Friday 25 January 2013

Green IT : The squared circle

More and more companies and organisations over the world want to move to a more "Green" approach of their business but for this they need well trained and qualified employees and it is where the system lacks.

Several reasons can push a company or an organisation to become more "Green": To be more planet friendly as it is more and more important for citizens and specially for our children. To appear more "Green" to customers and public drives more customers and increase business and benefits. The example of Mc Donald's turning his logo from red to green is a good illustration. Also becoming more green decreases the energy charges for the company as well as decease the cost of waste re treatment. Facebook for example plan to build new data centers in Scandinavia as for cooling the computers, you just need to "open the window" (of course this is an image...) By this way the electricity costs of the company decrease strongly.

For "Greening" companies or organisations is needed to employ competent and qualified "Green" professionals. Unfortunately there are very few "Green" specialists available on the job market and few are trained by Universities and VET providers.

We also have to recognise that the profile of a "Green" specialist is not obvious ! They need to have a strong technical basis, and moreover to have strong transversal and "soft skills" competences. We can point out some difficulties of the job : To deal with change resistance in the company or organisation is something who need strong communication competences, leadership, sense of teaching, anticipation of difficulties ...

If technical skills are easy to identify and to assess, soft skills and specially interpersonal skills are difficult to evaluate and by the way difficult to train. This is mainly done by working experience , but can also be trained by VET providers if well identify and well assessed.

European Commission has stated that "Green" jobs and specially "Green IT" is one of the most important engines of European comptitivity, EU co-fund different EU projects in different frameworks to solve this problem. R&D projects are co-funded in a large scale as well supporting Vocational Training improvement . GRIN-CH project supported by LLP program aim to identify the most important jobs to support the industry, to define them in accordance with European Qualification Framework (EQF) and e-Competences framework (e-CF) and compatible with ECVET (to allow employees and students mobility.

5 Professional profiles have been drafted, and are now under evaluation by professionals , then will be officially published by the e-Jobs Observatory . Training guidelines for VET providers will be issued and published.

Source : In French language : Le Monde - Planète plus intelligente

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